Sunday, December 8, 2019

Year In Review

Year In Review

This class has taught me a lot about how the media effects people within society. From learning about different theories, to court cases, to privacy laws, I learned a lot more from this class than I had expected. 

I found it really interesting to follow the history of influential American court cases because being from Canada I really had never heard of many. While I didn't expect the amount of history that was taught in this class, I really did end up enjoying it. 

It has also significantly helped with my writing abilities. Although it was just a weekly blog post, I often wrote extra after being inspired by something in the media or in my social life. That is something that I loved about the blog... some weeks I would be writing about things we learned in class, and the next I would be writing about what my team was up to that week. 

I found that writing about class work often felt more factual than colorful, but it was interesting to see how my writing style changed between the two types of blogs. It seemed to flow easier when I wrote about things like Movember, the Amphitheater run, or the Maymester. I assume this is because I enjoy creative writing a lot more than making news articles, but It taught me a lot about where I may want to take my talents in the real world and what type of industry I may want to end up in.

I think a lot of what I learned in this class is easily transferable to the real world. Knowing the immense amount of power that private companies have in regards to our personal information online is something that should scare most, and is something that I didn't really understand before.

This class has definitely made me more aware of my online footprint. Meaning that I am now a lot more careful about what I post online. Your online information is just as permanent as a tattoo.

Overall this class taught me a lot about American history, how the history affects us today, and about how easily we give people access to our personal information. I really enjoyed the class and look forward to taking classes with Dr. Smith moving forward.

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