Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Fight for Gender Equality

Fight For Gender Equality

Steph and his family
Being a Sports Communications major I am always looking for stories that have strong ties to sports.

The ability that professional athletes have to bring attention to important issues really is powerful, and you can see things like this all the time. From Colin Kaepernick kneeling during the national anthem to peacefully protest police brutality in America, to Serena Williams speaking out about gender equality in sports. 

In this article found on The Players Tribune, written by Stephen Curry, a professional basketball player for the Golden State Warriors, he explains the importance of shrinking the pay gap in the workplace while talking about his love for his daughters. 

He explains that he has been surrounded by powerful women his whole life and that his daughters are beginning to grow into themselves now too. He sees the women that then will one day be and hates the idea of unequal opportunities for women compared to men. 

Curry even goes on to say, "I want our girls to grow up knowing that there are no boundaries that can be placed on their futures, period."

This is a very powerful article not only because it is written by one of the most popular names in basketball today, but because the issue is brought up by the perspective of a dad rather than a famous athlete.

Celebrities are often put on pedestals and we often see them as some forms of higher beings in many ways. This article humanizes Curry and brings him down to a level of your everyday loving father.

The gender pay gap is something that has been an issue since the beginning of time, and it is only with people speaking out about these issues that it will be fixed. 

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