Monday, September 9, 2019

The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court is a very prestigious branch of the government who is responsible for handling only the most serious issues. Some of these would include appeals made by serious court cases, and a lot of presidential rulings.

One of the important things that can be drawn from this video is the fact that all appeals that are sent to the Supreme Court receive the same amount of consideration. Each appeal is carefully passed up the ladder to the eventual final decision to be made by a member of the Supreme Court. So, although they may not read each individual case, people who are well qualified decide which ones they should spend their time reading.

The Supreme Court has more power than other forms of the criminal justice system. Although it did not always have this large of a level of authority. It was over time that the Supreme Court gained its recognition as the highest level of the American court systems, but it is not a clear separation.

In an interview with members of the Supreme Court, they discuss the various issues and disagreements that they face when coming to decisions but are all able to agree that they are always working together to achieve the same goal.

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