Friday, September 20, 2019

Facebook - Are we Protected?

Facebook - Are we Protected?

Recently phone numbers from past and current users of Facebook was found on an online server. There is no knowing what these numbers were used for, but only that they became public records. The issue with this is that companies can use these numbers for soliciting calls, and there is nothing more annoying than that.

Another issue is that it becomes an issue of potential identity fraud. Although the numbers may not have any serious personal information attached to them, it is a stepping stone for further gathering of information. A lot of online security codes are verified through your name and phone number. With some forms of social media having minimal security it could become a large threat for those whose numbers were leaked.

What comes into question here is how the information got leaked, but also whether or not Facebook should be held responsible for the leak. They may not have put the information online themselves, but it was their site that the information was retrieved from. Should they have better security in place to protect users from leaked information? I say yes.

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