Friday, September 20, 2019

Sam Ehlinger

Sam Ehlinger

Coming from Canada, college football in America never really appealed to me until I got to school here. It has now become a tradition of mine to watch football on Saturdays with my teammates. I have no specific team to root for, but I love cheering for my friends teams.

On team that I often cheer for is the Texas Longhorns because of my good friend Hayden Baker. He grew up in Texas, and his family has always been Longhorn fans. But the team is even more special for him now because of one specific player.

Sam Ehlinger, the quarterback at Texas is a high school friend of Hayden. He tells stories of running routes for Sam for hours just so he could get his practice. Although Hayden was on the team too, he never had the aspirations of taking his talents to college, so he was really just doing it to be a good friend to Sam.

Now, Sam dominates most Saturday match-ups and is always exciting to watch. But what I did not know was that he had lost his father at a young age.

In this article by the Player Tribune, it talks about how his father passed away at the age of 46 due to a heart attack. It shows how close he and his father were, and how tragic the loss was to him. What was most important about the video though was how Sam thought he was being selfish for feeling bad for himself. He saw his younger brother and realized that he needed to be there for him instead of himself.

I love articles like this because it really humanizes athletes in a way that most people do not normally get to see. We put athletes on pedestals, and even sometimes see them as almost god-like beings. This is simply not the case. Professional and amateur athletes that are watched on a large scale are people too, and it takes articles like this one to really talk about their character rather than their talents.

Facebook - Are we Protected?

Facebook - Are we Protected?

Recently phone numbers from past and current users of Facebook was found on an online server. There is no knowing what these numbers were used for, but only that they became public records. The issue with this is that companies can use these numbers for soliciting calls, and there is nothing more annoying than that.

Another issue is that it becomes an issue of potential identity fraud. Although the numbers may not have any serious personal information attached to them, it is a stepping stone for further gathering of information. A lot of online security codes are verified through your name and phone number. With some forms of social media having minimal security it could become a large threat for those whose numbers were leaked.

What comes into question here is how the information got leaked, but also whether or not Facebook should be held responsible for the leak. They may not have put the information online themselves, but it was their site that the information was retrieved from. Should they have better security in place to protect users from leaked information? I say yes.

Monday, September 9, 2019

The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court is a very prestigious branch of the government who is responsible for handling only the most serious issues. Some of these would include appeals made by serious court cases, and a lot of presidential rulings.

One of the important things that can be drawn from this video is the fact that all appeals that are sent to the Supreme Court receive the same amount of consideration. Each appeal is carefully passed up the ladder to the eventual final decision to be made by a member of the Supreme Court. So, although they may not read each individual case, people who are well qualified decide which ones they should spend their time reading.

The Supreme Court has more power than other forms of the criminal justice system. Although it did not always have this large of a level of authority. It was over time that the Supreme Court gained its recognition as the highest level of the American court systems, but it is not a clear separation.

In an interview with members of the Supreme Court, they discuss the various issues and disagreements that they face when coming to decisions but are all able to agree that they are always working together to achieve the same goal.