Tuesday, October 8, 2019

HPU Men's Lacrosse Amphitheater Run

HPU Men's Lacrosse Amphitheater Run 

On September 11, 2019, the High Point University men's lacrosse team ran 1980 steps at the HPU amphitheater representing the 110 floors of the North Tower of the World Trade Center to remember those who died on 9/11.

The run as lead by Sean Coughlin, a Junior attackman on the team who lost his father on that day. His father was a broker in New York City and worked at the World Trade Center.

The team ran with energy and enthusiasm. No one complained about getting up early to do the run because it was all to support their teammate Sean.

At the run was Larry Quinn, a professor of marketing and sales at HPU who lost his stepson in 9/11. His son, Tom, was a firefighter in NYC who was responsible for rescuing firefighters who were in so much trouble that they needed saving.

In the past the team has always done something special on 9/11. In 2018 the team did the Tunnel to Towers run in NYC in memory of Stephen Siller who was a firefighter that ran through the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel after it was closed off for security reasons. Sadly he did not make it out alive.

It is amazing how the team does something to remember Sean's father every year. The team is able to rally around him and show him support in times of need. The team created a culture that really is a family rather than just a team.

Amphitheater Run

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