Tuesday, October 8, 2019


The Newspaper

The newspaper has been around for many centuries now. It was the first time that people were able to receive updates on current affairs, political ideals, entertainment in their cities, etc. Newspapers created a sense of connection between citizens who no longer had to rely on word of mouth.

The first newspaper in English was called the London Gazette of 1666. For a while it was the only sanctioned newspaper, but by the end of the century many newspapers were being circulated.

In America, the first ever newspaper was called the Publick Occurences and was published in Boston. Although it was published without government authority and was quickly banned. 

By the time of the Revolutionary War multiple newspapers were being circulated. Many of which were talking about war propaganda.

Today, newspapers are not nearly as popular s they once were. Since the creation of the internet, online news has exploded in popularity. This is due to the how easily accessible news is on the web. 

With the creation of social media websites it has made finding news incredibly easy. Twitter is very commonly known for being the first place to look for breaking news. This is due to the ease of posting on the app. It is quick and easy to share information through Twitter which often makes it a great place to find news. 

When looking for more details on news content it is often better to look at actual news websites like the New York Times or the Huffington Post. These sites will give you more in depth looks at stuff that may be briefly covered on sites like Twitter.

The overall importance of the newspaper is incredibly important to our society today. Without the creation of the newspaper we would not have the means to connect with our communities or even the rest of the world. Newspapers were the first time that information could be circulated about far reaching areas, and has forever changed the way that we receive news today.

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