Tuesday, November 12, 2019

JUUL: My Personal Experience

JUUL: My Personal Experience
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Vaping has quickly taken over the college and high school student bodies all throughout the United States. JUUL is one of the most popular vaping companies. The company claims that their electronic cigarettes are meant for adult smokers, but it is easy to read through that claim with them selling fruit flavored pods aimed at the younger generation. Flavors like mint, mango, fruit medley, cucumber, and creme brulee are extremely popular among the younger generations. 

When I came to High Point University from Canada I had never even heard of a Juul, but that quickly changed. Within the first couple weeks I saw most of my friends with one of the e-cigarettes, so like most curious college students would do I took a hit. It was my first time trying any form of nicotine because I never liked the idea of smoking cigarettes. Why did I feel like this device was better that an actual cigarette? I don't have a good answer for that question, but seeing my friends vaping made me feel like it was okay. 

I vaped for 2 years. I started my freshman year and stopped within the first couple weeks of my junior year. I always felt like it was bad for me, but when trying to quit before I had quickly realized I was addicted to nicotine. 

I always thought that quitting smoking would be an easy task, but I was very incorrect. I would see someone hit their vape and feel an itch. For the month while I was trying to quit I realized that I was noticeably more irritable and tired.

Today's issue is that both college and high school students are under the impression that vaping is cool, but are not thinking about the potential health risks. Lately, people have been getting sick and in some cases even dying from these devices, but kids continue to vape. The addictiveness of these vaping product is something that most people do not understand and is what is keeping people from stopping.

You would think that with all the research that is coming out about the negative effects of vaping that people would stop, but like smoking it is not that easy. My goal moving forward is to help kids quit. I now realize how hard it is, so I want to make it easier on other people.

JUUL Empire

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