Tuesday, November 5, 2019

My Online Presence

My Online Presence

In today's class we discussed the power that private companies have in regards to our online information. It is scary to think that agreeing to most companies privacy policies allows them to have full access to your personal data. From there, these companies are allowed to share the information with whoever they want simply because you "voluntarily" gave them the information by agreeing to their privacy policy. 

Luckily for me, I am the opposite of a social media junkie. In honesty, I really hate the idea of social media and what it represents. I find that it is an escape for some people from their reality, but does not paint a true picture of what their life is really like. People are able to post pictures of their fancy vacations or extravagant parties, but in reality they probably do not live that type of life for most of their life. 

I express my hatred for social media because it helps understand why I have such a small presence when searched on the internet. I do not even have Facebook or Twitter. This makes my digital footprint a lot smaller than most peoples. 

When you search my name on the internet the first thing to come up is a UFC fighter, but secondly you will see pictures of me playing lacrosse. This is because over the years I have had articles posted about me from newspapers in my town or from organizations that I have played for. I do not necessarily love that these articles are so readily available online, but I would rather these types of articles be posted than ones talking about my personal and social life. 

When companies are looking to hire me in the future, I am now a lot less worried of what they may find. I have tried to keep my online profile very clean over the years because I was trying to be recruited for lacrosse, which I think will help me out in the hiring process. 

If I had advice for young people with social media it is to never post pictures with alcohol present. This is something that I have seen a lot over the years in both high school and in college. While it may not seem like a big deal to most, posting a picture with a beer in your hand while in high school is you giving proof of underage drinking. Legal repercussions never come of this, but it paints the wrong picture for yourself online. This is something that my high school coaches instilled into me and I have carried with me into college. Even though I am now 21, I still refrain from posting pictures at parties for the effects on my self-image. 

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