Tuesday, November 19, 2019



Movember is an organization with the goal of raising money for prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men's mental health. This organization was created because of the generally shorter life expectancy among men because of these three health issue.

What the Movember organization does is has people create an online account and grow a mustache for the whole month of November. People then donate money to their individual account and then the organization spreads the money throughout different charity organizations. Movember acts as the middle man for collecting money, and shares it with different research groups and charity organizations. 

This is the first year since my sophomore year of high school that I have not taken part in the movement. In years past, I have raised over $500 towards the cause, but this year I simply became too busy to promote my account. 

Although I have slacked this year in my donation efforts, many of my friends have been passed the torch and are taking part this year. I have about eight kids on my team that are currently signed up through the Movember website and are raising money for the cause. 

I love this organization because it allows people to grow a creative, or even hideous mustache for one month of the year without people judging you. When you see someone with handlebars in July you may question their choices, but in November you can assume that they are doing it for a good cause. The organization sees the struggles that are apparent in men's health today, and aims to attack these issues head on. It is something that I would strongly suggest people take part in moving forward.

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